Sunday, May 3, 2009

Here's to the nights we won't remember and the friends we will never forget

Goodbye is not a fun word.

We've learned that over the last few days. It is currently Monday morning for us, and we've had to say goodbye to so many friends and people who we now think of as family.

District 9550 conference was 'fantastic'! We had our final presentation in Australia, and it was a blast! We treated the Rotarians to a song about our time here, a few words about our experiences and a slideshow (to be posted soon!) that brought back great memories.

Townsville sunrise also had a hand in making the Conference trip so memorable. As we wrapped up our presentation we were accosted by Pirates and held for ransom - more than $3000 for Foundation!

We are about to board our flight for home, not looking forward to leaving but definitely looking forward to seeing our friends and family! See you all soon! No worries, mate!


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